Friday, January 16, 2015


I do my best thinking in the barn.

Every morning I go out to feed the horses and clean stalls. Many of you "city folk" won't get it - but I actually LIKE the smell of horse poop.

Actually there are many components to the lovely aroma in the barn.

Hay and horses and saddles and tack and then poop mixed in for a pleasurable olfactory experience.  Really.  I am not kidding.

My horses, Rusty and Emmy Lou, greet me every morning as well.  They are very happy to see me because they know I am going to feed them and let them out to the paddock. 

Katie on Emmy Lou
Jordan on Rusty
Christmas 2014
This morning I was thinking about blogging.... Why do people blog? What is the point?  Is it because they have something so great to impart to the universe?  Is it because the blogger is smarter, deeper, more spiritual, etc...? 

I don't think that.

So I decided to let you know why I am blogging.  It is like writing in your journal, but people can read it. That way, what I am going through or have gone through  can get "out" there. And maybe, just maybe someone gets it. And maybe, they comment and what they say is so profound that it helps me. And maybe what I have learned, or my struggles, or my triumphs inspires them.  

Welcome to my life so far.... 

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