Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Blogging is hard....

I just looked back and saw that the last post was February 2014.   Hmmm.

Maybe this time I will keep it going.  

The last five months of 2014 have been... I was going to say "very difficult" but the truth is July 31 - December 31st have been horrible, rotten, terrible, awful, I think that is a start.

Death: unbelief,  grief, saddness
Job: unbelief, worry, bewilder,

Don't get me wrong.  There have been bright spots in these last months.   But all overshadowed by such a sense of loss and hurt.

So what have I learned?

1.  God is good
2.  Husbands are everything.
3.  S#@t happens,
4.  Family is everything.
5.  I am not the only one going through hard times.
6.  I can be brave.
7.  I can still laugh
8.  I can cry all I want.
9.  I can wait on the Lord.
10.The bed is still a safe place to hide.
11. Horses are still therapeutic.
12. The barn is my refuge.
13. I am strong.

Many, many more things, but that pretty much sums it up.

I don't really ever have "new year's" resolutions. But this year, after such a hard 2014, I decided to make just one.

I will live each day with GRATITUDE, no matter what is before me...

That's it.


1 comment:

  1. I RELATE TO ALL. Praying good things for your new year...and every time I get to see your barn it brings a place of peace to my heart. I love it
