Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Really? A Pandemic?


For some reason consistently blogging is not my jam.... My last post was in 2017.  And a LOT has happened since then.

Our farm is not named Crooked Creek Farm because someone else somewhere has that name.  We are called Sapphire Farms. We live next to the Sapphire Mountains in the Bitterroot  Valley, Montana. Thus the name.  We attempted to farm hay one year.  We bought some used equipment for a trial run and found that it wasn't going to be something we loved. (understatement)   We did put up about 132 bales that year so that was some reward for the hard work.

After that we thought, well what can we do with this land?  Cows? (truth is I don't like the taste of the "grass fed only cows") Some other kind of crop? Some other animals? After a lot of thought we decided to become a Lavender farm.  Found a supplier, gave him half down on 600 plants back last February and started to map out the plot.  

We were supposed to pick up the Lavender in early June.  I called and called the supplier. Finally heard from him that he wasn't going to be able to have the plants due to some kind of issue with the propagating dirt.  Buh-by down payment.  Still haven't gotten a refund.  😡

So after some discussion, we planted Sunflowers.  I AM NOT SURE WHY.   

We planted 12 rows that are 90 feet long with 6 different varieties of branching Sunflowers.  Put over 1000 seeds in the ground.  And the majority grew and are still growing.  I suppose we should have had a full on plan as to what to do with them, right?  

We decided to make bouquets and put them in mason jars and sell them.  Problem is...they grow and bloom at different times.  Who knew? 😏  Currently, we are set up to sell them at the local grocery store on Saturday.  This Saturday.   A few days from NOW.   

To add to the chaos, we decided to make it a fundraiser for the fire department.  Thought that might give folks the incentive to buy.🌻

What does all this have to do with the Pandemic? you ask.   Nothing really.  I do have some thoughts about the Pandemic and how we have been navigating it.  I think that is for the next post, probably in 2025. Since I can't seem to keep it going.... Enjoy the rest of your week.  


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