Thursday, May 18, 2017

I will never get rich being a blogger.  Does that happen?  

A lot of change has occurred since my last post which was almost a year ago.  It was about the ongoing epidemic of heroin/opioid addiction. Still an extremely important topic.  I encourage everyone to pause for a second, listen to those around you and be aware of the devastation this epidemic is causing.

On a lighter note... I thought I would catch you up.

December 2012 we made a big move from Phoenix to Colorado.  The PLAN was to find  THE SPOT that we would make our "forever" home.   I think I might have shared before there were several things on our list for what we wanted and didn't want including but not limited to:

  • Didn't want to live at a high elevation (get's hard on an old person and we are gettin old)
  • Wanted a sort of maintenance free place
  • Didn't want stairs
  • Didn't want a very big house... but wanted a place for horses.
We ended up high in the Rocky mountains at 9000 feet in a almost 4000 square foot home with two stair cases and covered in cedar siding that needed staining every few years.  Not to mention the wrap around deck with the porch and railings. 

Lesson learned:  OF COURSE  -->  NEVER SAY NEVER

We found a wonderful community in Coal Creek Canyon and thought, well, we could make it work. We really loved the mountain life,  wildlife, mountain air, quiet. 
 It snowed a lot.   
Also, my job didn't work out in Colorado (another blog for another time- have mentioned some things about it in the past).  I started commuting to Phoenix for work.  Wasn't so bad, got to see my mother and my daughter, grand daughters and occasionally my sweet niece.  I loved that job, but being away from home is hard.   Not only on me but on the other half.  He had all the responsibility for the house and animals not to mention his own business and life stuff.  

One day I got an email from a recruiter that saw my resume online. Never took it down after getting my job (still haven't, though I hope we are settled in for the long haul now).    It was about a job in Missoula,  Montana.   HMMMMM.   Crazy.  Ed and I talked it over and thought, well what's the harm in looking at it.    Long story short... been here since October.  Love Love Love my job here.  

We are building a house (not too big, no stairs and siding that supposedly never needs painting)  and barn on 10 acres.  We have been living in a garage apartment that is about 900 sq feet.  We just pretend this is what it would have been like if we had gotten together when we were young after high school (remember? we were high school sweet hearts!)

We are also loving the community - the small town of Stevensville, Montana.   We are learning to be farmers.  Growing hay for the horses and maybe to sell.  Next year we will put in a garden, some apple trees and some lavender.  I hear it grows well here.  Simple pleasures.  Simple life. 

Welcome to Crooked Creek Farm

est: August 2017



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