Monday, March 28, 2016


I am not good at waiting.   Currently, I am waiting on a grouchy mare to have her baby.  We are at 330 days and still going.

I did the research.

A lot of research.

Maiden mares basically deliver when they are good and ready. Typically between 320 to who knows how many days.

I got her stall ready.
We got the corral ready.
I got the cute little green halter and lead rope for the foal.  Green cause I don't know if it is a filly or colt.
I have the "foaling" supplies ready.
I go out to her stall and talk to her and give her treats (oats).

I rub her neck (she actually likes, well maybe tolerates that).

I sometimes put soothing music on in the barn.

Seriously, what else can I do?  


AT least 80% delivery between 10pm and 6am.

I actually considered bunking out in the barn just for a second.  But it is still very cold out there.

So I will WAIT. 

Emmy before pregnancy
Emmy now

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