Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Here we go again....

March 1st, 2016.

I admit it... I am a terrible blogger.

But, I am going to give it another try.

A lot has happened since my last blog,  April of last year.   WOW

I am happy to report things are going well.

There you go.

My job is GREAT!  The "commute"  is pretty painless.

Our family still grieves for a young man that we loved.  But the grief takes on new dimensions as time passes.  I think it will never go away, just evolve.

There have been many other EVENTS in the past year.  None so dramatic or special, just every day life.  I am blessed to be with someone who loves me unconditionally.  He accepts me where I am and encourages me to be a better person.

A few thoughts:

  •  I am sick and tired of the "campaign".  I have never really been political.  And now I know why.
  • Living in Canada is looking good.
  • Having a pregnant mare is nerve racking.  
  • A person sees a lot of crazy things in an airport.
  • TSA is not so bad
  • I have AMAZING children.
  • I have EVEN MORE AMAZING grand daughters.
  • I still love winter.  Even if it is 9 months long up here
  • I still love moutain life
  • My shopping consists of looking at new horses, tractors, saddles, etc.
  • Losing a job can make you a stronger, better person
  • Apparently I am a cat person

I could go on but that is enough for now.  Happy March!

Come see us some time.  We will leave the light on... (Wait I think that is Motel 6)  But you get the gist.


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