Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Epidemic...

Part One.

Typically my blogs have been somewhat light hearted.  Even whimsical at times.  
Now, I want to share a bit about something that has hit very close to my home through a two-part blog. 

A bit of background:  
I grew up in a military family.  My mother and father came from small town Arkansas. My mother grew up in  Dyess, Arkansas.  And yes my mother knew Johnny Cash. Even graduated high school with him.  She was the youngest of five girls and was raised on a cotton farm. 

My father was the oldest of nine and grew up in a dollar poor but family rich environment.  He dropped out of high school after 8th grade, but my grandfather worked him near to death on the farm so he decided high school was a better option.  He was a football and basketball star in Joiner, Arkansas.  

As a military family it is not unusual to move a lot.  And so we did.  We lived in several different states and countries. I have no complaints about my childhood, except maybe one.    And that is that we were always far away from grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  

I only have 3 cousins and children of cousins and children of children of cousins. on my mother's side of the family.  I am the youngest cousin.

I really am not sure how many cousins I have on my father's side of the family. I just recently visited one of my aunts and several cousins. 

I have this large family that I know nothing about.  We are connected by blood, DNA.... Yet don't know each other.  

So what does it matter...

In January my cousin's daughter's son died of an overdose of heroin.  The semantics of who that is to me doesn't matter.  What matters is the relationship, the blood, the DNA.

He was 28 years old.  He was a musical artist.  He was extremely smart.  And he was addicted to heroin and xanax.  His road to this addiction is neither here nor there.  He fought his own demons as they say.  But what has struck me, like a bat to the head, is the loss, the sadness, the hurt to my own family.  

My sweet cousin, (actually, cousin once removed) lost her oldest child to this horrible epidemic. My own guilt of not being involved or even in contact with my family, though extended, has spurred me into some action.  I am working on keeping in contact with family and trying to get to know those I have never even met.  

But that is not what I want to share. In Part two I will get to the point.
I promise....

My grandparents with their 9 children
My father is the first one next to their mother.

Monday, March 28, 2016


I am not good at waiting.   Currently, I am waiting on a grouchy mare to have her baby.  We are at 330 days and still going.

I did the research.

A lot of research.

Maiden mares basically deliver when they are good and ready. Typically between 320 to who knows how many days.

I got her stall ready.
We got the corral ready.
I got the cute little green halter and lead rope for the foal.  Green cause I don't know if it is a filly or colt.
I have the "foaling" supplies ready.
I go out to her stall and talk to her and give her treats (oats).

I rub her neck (she actually likes, well maybe tolerates that).

I sometimes put soothing music on in the barn.

Seriously, what else can I do?  


AT least 80% delivery between 10pm and 6am.

I actually considered bunking out in the barn just for a second.  But it is still very cold out there.

So I will WAIT. 

Emmy before pregnancy
Emmy now

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Here we go again....

March 1st, 2016.

I admit it... I am a terrible blogger.

But, I am going to give it another try.

A lot has happened since my last blog,  April of last year.   WOW

I am happy to report things are going well.

There you go.

My job is GREAT!  The "commute"  is pretty painless.

Our family still grieves for a young man that we loved.  But the grief takes on new dimensions as time passes.  I think it will never go away, just evolve.

There have been many other EVENTS in the past year.  None so dramatic or special, just every day life.  I am blessed to be with someone who loves me unconditionally.  He accepts me where I am and encourages me to be a better person.

A few thoughts:

  •  I am sick and tired of the "campaign".  I have never really been political.  And now I know why.
  • Living in Canada is looking good.
  • Having a pregnant mare is nerve racking.  
  • A person sees a lot of crazy things in an airport.
  • TSA is not so bad
  • I have AMAZING children.
  • I have EVEN MORE AMAZING grand daughters.
  • I still love winter.  Even if it is 9 months long up here
  • I still love moutain life
  • My shopping consists of looking at new horses, tractors, saddles, etc.
  • Losing a job can make you a stronger, better person
  • Apparently I am a cat person

I could go on but that is enough for now.  Happy March!

Come see us some time.  We will leave the light on... (Wait I think that is Motel 6)  But you get the gist.
