Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This morning I opened up my computer to do some work for my husband and my Microsoft Office stuff was gone.... Just like that....gone.  Cyberspace or something.  So I called up Dell support (we paid for some kind of PRO support) and the most pleasant young man got on the line.

Did you know that "they" (I wonder who else?)  can remotely control my computer.  Kind of freaky.  Well we were working on the problem for a few hours. YES hours.  Meanwhile, while waiting for this and that we were chatting away.

He lives in Texas, is a Christian, went on a mission trip to a far far away land.  Likes to four wheel off road. Just bought a new to him Toyota 4Runner. His mother is Columbian and his father in British. He is bilingual. His baby sister lives in another country. He is 25. He has a degree, that currently he isn't using. He is saving up to travel to Europe. He is thinking about getting a dual citizenship. This weekend he is going to do some work on the inside of the 4Runner, which by the way is a 1999 model. He will get the parts from the junk yard.   His cousin had a big dog that he had to get rid of when they had a baby.  He is single.  That is all I can remember.

It is AMAZING to me how open people can be when it is just a voice on the other end.  I asked if he could remotely see through my web cam (which would be weird)  he assured me he could not.  But he could see my pictures.  So I showed him the horses, he was able to see the kids and grandkids. And by the way ALL my other pictures if he wanted to. He could be reading this right now as I type.... Hey, are you there??

no response.

You wonder what I told him?   Told him I was 35, no 45... told him I was independently wealthy, worked out at the gym three times a day, drove a sports car,  lived in a 10000 square foot house, um with a housekeeper of course. Was flying in my private jet later to shop in New York, no wait in Paris.

Well, I don't think he bought it.  I wouldn't want to be that person anyway. So, I didn't tell him my age, But I did share that I live in Colorado in the Rockies. And have two horses (showed him pictures). Have some kids and grandkids (again good NANA showed him pictures.)  Told him I married my high school sweetheart and our aniversary is soon.

While chatting and waiting I also put on my tennis shoes, ate some pistachios and a few chocolate chips (skipped breakfast).  Went outside and caught one of the horses for the farrier. Thought about going to the bathroom, decided that was too weird. Went upstairs to look through a file cabinet for something. Kissed my husband good bye for the day.   Crazy.

So, this morning I made a new friend. Got his email address.  In this age of technology still a little human-ness..  Maybe I will invite him to come for a visit..

And by the way my Microsoft Office is back.


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