Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Then life happened...

I have been married to my wonderful husband for six years.  I have known him since November of 1975.  I was 15 and he was 16.  We were juniors in high school and sort of "ran" with the same crowd.

I remember our first date like it was yesterday.  We went to a car show in downtown Tucson.  He picked me up in his old jeep, it was an orange soft top. He was so polite, opened the door for me.  I remember his blue eyes and very blond hair.  And it was the 70's, he had some very cool sideburns.  I also remember how he smelled, so fresh and clean. No overpowering cologne or anything, just like spring.

Funny, but I don't remember our second date.  It just seems after the first one we were together.  A couple. All our friends at school thought we would be a "forever" couple.  Our love was young, innocent, pure and sweet. We broke up one time for about a weekend. (I think I was the culprit, I wanted to ride on the back of another boys motorcycle.)

Then life happened. My family moved away. We grew apart. We took different paths.  Mine went from Arizona, to Florida, to Arkansas (yes Arkansas!) to Texas, to Washington, then to Montana.  He stayed in Tucson for a while then his path took him to Phoenix.  We lived different lives, with different players.

I thought about him from time to time.  I missed the sweetness and innocence of our teenage love.

Then life happened.  And 28 years later we were talking in a hotel lobby about where we had been and what we had done.  I think of that time as our "second" first date.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  I remember his blue eyes and, well,  his dark, graying hair.  (Don't know where the blond went?) He was so polite, sat near me, but not too close, with his arm casually draped up on the couch behind me. I remember how he smelled, no overpowering cologne, just fresh and clean. We talked for hours.

Life takes us down many different roads.  We choose certain paths... travel down them... sometimes take a back road that gets us no where.   But sometimes we take a path that leads us to the most wonderful place imaginable.  That is the path I am on now...    My high school sweetheart and me.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Toe Nails

I'm OLD.   I don't really feel old. (maybe some days I do). So how is that I realized that I am old today?

Toe Nails.  I realize most people don't talk about their toe nails.  A lot of us go to the salon and have pedicures.

Pedicures are a nice relaxing time to sit in a massage chair and let someone massage your feet.  And trim your nails and  then COVER THEM UP with some bright red or pink or purple polish.

I haven't been getting pedicures lately. Too much trouble now that I live in the mountains.  Not convenient any more.  So the other day I decided to take the old polish off and trim up those nails.

DISGUSTING!  I have old lady toe nails. It doesn't help anything that one of my nails came off a few years ago from tennis.  (you athletes, especially runners, will understand).  It hasn't grown back completely.  Also what happened to the nice even toe nails of my youth?

So I decided to work on them.  File them.  Buff them.  Soak them. File them some more.  "Google" what the heck is wrong with them.  Leave off the polish for a while.

My feet aren't so bad.  I keep them moisturized,  calluses smoothed.  They don't really look like old lady feet...

I think I will polish my nails...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This morning I opened up my computer to do some work for my husband and my Microsoft Office stuff was gone.... Just like that....gone.  Cyberspace or something.  So I called up Dell support (we paid for some kind of PRO support) and the most pleasant young man got on the line.

Did you know that "they" (I wonder who else?)  can remotely control my computer.  Kind of freaky.  Well we were working on the problem for a few hours. YES hours.  Meanwhile, while waiting for this and that we were chatting away.

He lives in Texas, is a Christian, went on a mission trip to a far far away land.  Likes to four wheel off road. Just bought a new to him Toyota 4Runner. His mother is Columbian and his father in British. He is bilingual. His baby sister lives in another country. He is 25. He has a degree, that currently he isn't using. He is saving up to travel to Europe. He is thinking about getting a dual citizenship. This weekend he is going to do some work on the inside of the 4Runner, which by the way is a 1999 model. He will get the parts from the junk yard.   His cousin had a big dog that he had to get rid of when they had a baby.  He is single.  That is all I can remember.

It is AMAZING to me how open people can be when it is just a voice on the other end.  I asked if he could remotely see through my web cam (which would be weird)  he assured me he could not.  But he could see my pictures.  So I showed him the horses, he was able to see the kids and grandkids. And by the way ALL my other pictures if he wanted to. He could be reading this right now as I type.... Hey, are you there??

no response.

You wonder what I told him?   Told him I was 35, no 45... told him I was independently wealthy, worked out at the gym three times a day, drove a sports car,  lived in a 10000 square foot house, um with a housekeeper of course. Was flying in my private jet later to shop in New York, no wait in Paris.

Well, I don't think he bought it.  I wouldn't want to be that person anyway. So, I didn't tell him my age, But I did share that I live in Colorado in the Rockies. And have two horses (showed him pictures). Have some kids and grandkids (again good NANA showed him pictures.)  Told him I married my high school sweetheart and our aniversary is soon.

While chatting and waiting I also put on my tennis shoes, ate some pistachios and a few chocolate chips (skipped breakfast).  Went outside and caught one of the horses for the farrier. Thought about going to the bathroom, decided that was too weird. Went upstairs to look through a file cabinet for something. Kissed my husband good bye for the day.   Crazy.

So, this morning I made a new friend. Got his email address.  In this age of technology still a little human-ness..  Maybe I will invite him to come for a visit..

And by the way my Microsoft Office is back.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Here we go again....

Well it is a new year.... 2014.  Wow.  This is my second attempt at blogging.  I can't seem to remember the address, name or whatever it is called of the one I was doing a few years ago.. It is out there in cyber space, probably could find it if I "googled" it.  But I can tell you it was good!

The title of this blog is the story of my life. "What was she thinking!".  doesn't mean all bad, just sometimes a little crazy.

So I wont go in to big detail on this first blog. But I will tell you that the person from that previous blog has changed location and lifestyle.  Just a tickler for what is to come.