Thursday, July 14, 2022

 The flowers are growing! 

Having a farm is a very rewarding experience.  It is also a LOT of hard work.  Now that summer has finally arrived in Montana (temperatures now hitting the 90 degree mark),  the sunflowers are growing like little weeds.  And, unfortunately the weeds are growing like, well, WEEDS.  

Maintaining a beautiful flower garden of any size takes a lot of early morning weeding sessions.  This is the time I can lose myself in thought, or song, or reflection, or planning.  I get immense satisfaction from weeding a row and then looking back at it and seeing the "clean" row of flowers.  Much like the way it feels when the house is clean, or the laundry is all done and put away. Or, like when I am at my "other job" and I finish writing all my patient progress notes which is definitely NOT my favorite part of that job. ; )      

What I find interesting is how our thoughts, plans, and goals change as we age. I NEVER used to think about things like last wills and testaments. Ugh.  or plans for retirement from a career.  YIKES.  or what I am going to "do" when I am not working that career job. My flower farm is my future. Well, my present too!!! Luckily, my career job hours allow me a lot of time at home in between the shifts to work at my retirement plan job. People might think, "Oh that is just her hobby".  It might be, but it is also a big PLAN for the day I retire from my career job. 

I don't know when that is going to be, but when it happens I will be ready!!

One thing I know for sure... I am  doing my best to LIVE every moment of every day.  Even the hard days. And remembering to try to NEVER take anything for granted.  

I hope your days are filled with love and laughter and wonder.  I know mine are....

Also, the website is nearing launch!  Watch for  I will let you all know when it is up and running......

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