Friday, June 17, 2022

Sapphire Farms 🌻

Today my little blog is going to go a new direction!   

It definitely follows along with the reason I started this blog many moons ago.  "What was she thinking" has been a running theme in my life since I can remember. Some decisions I have made worked out great and some, well, not so great.

You can go back and read the first one from January 2014!  Wow. Just a wee bit of time has gone by since I started blogging 😁 I have gone many months without a little hello, but now I have a new PURPOSE!!!!

I own a little business!!! I still work full time as a neonatal nurse practitioner (demanding, nerve racking yet rewarding career) and now I have my flower farm!!!  I LOVE IT!  Also a demanding, nerve racking yet rewarding job.  

The website is under construction.  Sapphire Farms

There is a Facebook page and I'm told I need an Instagram page.  (Are they called pages?) 

The blog will be included in the website and that means... I HAVE TO BLOG MORE THAN ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!!!!

Currently I am growing Lavender and Sunflowers. I think eventually it will be mostly Lavender but I am toying with adding more varieties of flowers. I am trying to stay focused on the Lavender side of things. And if you know me at all, that focus thing is a little hard for me...

So.... Stay tuned for more info!

Photo credit: Jess Bykari