Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wow, a second blog post in the same year!

Hello! from a rainy Montana morning. So much going on around here and in our world. 

I have started keeping a gratitude journal. I think in these crazy times it helps me focus on the good. The good that is all around me. 

I struggle with anxiety.  Yep.  It can be quite overwhelming and can take me to dark, sad places. I have learned over the years to face it, name it, and work on ways to get through it.  Sometimes, I can't put my finger on what is causing it in that moment.  But I give myself a break, acknowledge it and then work to move on.  

(Note: This blog wasn't going to be about my anxiety. Maybe I will get to what I intended to write about, or not...😏)

The gratitude journal is a way I can look at things with a positive attitude. I have discovered recently that CHANGE is really hard for me. I don't like all the building and selling off of land around us. I don't like things changing at work. I struggle with old neighbors moving away. I am uncomfortable with investing savings in things even if they are deemed safe. I am deeply worried about the state of the world.  And so many other things....  BUT...when I put on paper 5 things I am grateful for every morning my mind shifts to the good. To so many things I am so blessed with.  Definitely helps set the tone for the day.

Spring is in the air!  Spring here is glorious, new birth of earth and beast.  Green fields and new baby animals all around us. I am forever amazed by the changing seasons. 

I am excited for the plans I have for our farm.  More lavender on the way, expanding the sunflower field... We are going to begin making some lavender products, later in the summer (more about that later). 

It is the first mild day of March.

Each minute sweeter than before...

There is a blessing in the air...

~~William Wordsworth

Happy thoughts!
