Thursday, April 23, 2015


My last blog was on February 13th.  I thought about sitting down to write a few things many times since that day.   But.... I just wasn't ready.  

I wasn't ready to share stuff.  

Now I am ready....

The last 8 months have been hard.  There, I said it. 

Difficulties at my last job (don't want to go public on that, yet)

Loss of a loved one.  

Difficult job search including questions about my career choices?  Did I really want to continue in my current career? 

It is funny... When I write down (or type and view on a screen)words about this struggle, it doesn't seem so big.  The list isn't a mile long.  Maybe if I  BOLD the words, or type in all caps, or put a bunch of !!!!! . Then I might be able to communicate how hard it has been.   

things are better

i found a job. i am still a neonatal nurse practitioner.

i still grieve for a young man that was important in our family. but have come to terms so to speak with it. 

Today is a good day.  God is good.  Through the difficult times my marriage has been strong. My husband has been AMAZING!  Daily reminding me that "everything is ok" 

The barn has been my refuge.  Working with the horses has helped my mood.  

I have a little yearling filly that I have been working with.  She has been fun to play with and convince that I am her friend.  At first she was like a little wild animal.  Now she follows me around like a puppy.  

I think that out of struggle come strength and determination and gratitude.  There is a saying:                              
                               "The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.
                                         Self realization demands very great struggle."

                                             I am strong
                                                             I am determined
                                                                                       I am thankful