Friday, February 13, 2015

Technology: Blah

I miss the good ole days.... Days without cell phones, social media, internet...

I take my cell phone everywhere.  Even the bathroom.  Don't tell me you don't?! 

I went to town the other day and completely forgot my phone.  At first there was this panic feeling and I didn't have time to go back and get it.  I just about had a full blown panic attack, but then I started thinking about the days when you left your house and you could be "alone".  No phone, no IPad, no computer.  You just went on your way, did your thing and when you got home, when you got around to it, you might just check the messages on your recorder.  Then after the mail person ( politically correct term, though I prefer to just say mailman) dropped off your mail, you walk out to the mailbox and collect it.  

I miss those days.

One time we went on a long horseback ride.  No cell service.   When we got back, one of my daughters had called no less than 500 times. Ok that is an exaggeration, but you get the idea.  Not only had she called my phone, but also Ed's phone.  I think she was on the brink of calling the authorities to report us missing.   

When I called her back, well, let's just say she wasn't too happy.  So now when I am going to be "off the grid" so to speak, I text all of them and tell them.  

Isn't it crazy.  Before, you could just go on your way and there weren't expectations of immediate access.  Now.....

I miss simple times.  

FYI:  I can be reached by cell, instagram ( just DM me), facebook- just message me or email...